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March 05, 2020

H.R. 6097, the Nuclear Energy Research and Development Act


H.R. 6097, the Nuclear Energy Research and Development Act

A one-pager on H.R. 6097 can be found here

A section-by-section summary on H.R. 6097 can be found here.


American Nuclear Society (ANS)

Bipartisan Policy Center Action (BPC)

Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES)

“In order to meet significant greenhouse gas reduction goals, keep energy affordable and the grid reliable, we need to encourage technological advancements in zero-emitting baseload generation, such as hydropower and nuclear resources. These bills focus on the next generation of technology, helping to ensure hydropower and nuclear generation are more efficient, more environmentally sound and will further ensure electric grid reliability.  More efficient and economic pump storage hydropower and proliferation-resistant, light water nuclear reactors will help the United States become a leader in reducing the impacts and threats of global climate change. These bipartisan bills are an important step forward and align with CRES’ support for energy innovation.” – Heather Reams, Executive Director, CRES 

Clean Air Task Force

ClearPath Action

Edison Electric Institute (EEI)

Elysium Industries 

Generation Atomic

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

“Advanced nuclear reactors have the potential to provide cheap, low-carbon electricity and heat, but the United States lags other nations—notably Russia and China—in developing them. The Nuclear Energy R&D Act takes important steps to make federal investments in nuclear energy more productive. It would jump-start advanced reactor innovation by investing across the innovation spectrum, from advanced reactor concept & design to public-private cost-shared demonstration projects to used fuel disposition.”


“Developing next-generation nuclear technologies will help us meet our energy and climate challenges, which is why we support the legislation proposed by Rep. Conor Lamb (D-PA) and Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA). By encouraging development of advanced nuclear fuel and reactor designs, this legislation would reinforce America’s leadership in a strategic sector.” – Seth Grae, CEO

Nuclear Engineering Department Heads Organization (NEDHO)

Nuclear Energy Institute

“NEI applauds the work of Representatives Conor Lamb (D-PA) and Dan Newhouse (R-WA) for introducing legislation to ensure the U.S. civil nuclear energy industry continues to be a global leader of carbon-free nuclear energy.  This legislation signals nuclear energy’s vital role in our country’s commitment to a cleaner environment and strong national security.” - Maria Korsnick, President & CEO, Nuclear Energy Institute

Nuclear Innovation Alliance

Nuclear Matters 

Penn State University

SMR Start

Terrestrial Energy USA (TEUSA)

Third Way

United States Chamber of Commerce

United States Nuclear Industry Council